We're committed to serving those who've served our country through educational assistance from the Veterans Administration (VA).
We're proud to recognize those actively serving, our Veterans, and their families. We offer spouses and dependent children of Veteran's a 10% tuition discount on all of our programs. 不包括100%的第33章和第31章接受者.
所需军人身份证明: We accept LES (Leave and Earnings Statement—for active duty service) or Copy of DD214 (for Veterans).
Download 哥伦比亚大学 Veterans and 学费 Assistance 招生 Policies
第三十章蒙哥马利G.I. 比尔®-现役
提供长达36个月的教育福利. 要获得资格,学生必须获得光荣退伍.
Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation for Veterans with Service-Connected Disabilities
Veterans may be eligible for benefits if they have a service-connected disability of 20% and have received a discharge that is other than dishonorable.
第三十三章911事件后.I. 比尔®
Individuals who have served for a minimum of 90 days on active duty after September 10, 2001, 一般都符合资格. Students eligible for this benefit receive a percentage for tuition, 费用, 每月房屋津贴, 图书津贴是根据他们的现役人数来定的.
Chapter 35 Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program
A child or spouse of a veteran may qualify for assistance if the veteran died on active duty, has become permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition, 死于与服役有关的残疾, 或被列为战俘或在行动中失踪. 请注意,这项权利不支付学费.
第1606章蒙哥马利.I. 比尔®-选定的储备
在陆军预备役服役6年的人, 海军储备, 空军预备队, 海军陆战队预备队, 海岸警卫队预备队, 陆军国民警卫队, and 空军国民警卫队 and have satisfactorily completed the Selected Reserve Training may be eligible.
- 在线申请. 完成VONAPP教育福利申请.
- The VA will process your application and forward a Certification of Eligibility to the veteran student. This letter will show the percentage of benefit and the delimiting date.
- Submit the Certificate of Eligibility to your School Certifying Official (SCO), 废话Greathree.
- 报名参加课程.
- 完成哥伦比亚大学表格:福利申请表
- 完成哥伦比亚大学学生信息请求
- Enrollment information will be reported to the VA, and payment will be issued.
- 跟踪付款状态或找出您的付款在哪里, 请直接拨打1-888-442-4551.
The SCO can only certify your enrollment when you have completed the application process and registered for classes. You may only register for classes that apply credit toward graduation in your chosen major/curriculum.
1. 填写分行要求填写的表格
Each branch of the military handles 学费 Assistance a little differently.
- 军: GoArmyEd to register for courses and have 学费 Assistance applied.
- 空军: Register through UMGC and then apply for 学费 Assistance through the Air Force Virtual Education Center.
- 海岸警卫队、海军或海军陆战队: 联系你的教育中心申请学费补助表格.
2. 将您的表格发送给火博体育
Once you have the tuition assistance form signed by your education coordinator, submit it at the time of registration using the following procedures:
- 完成 学生资料表
- Email your tuition assistance form and 完成 学生资料表 to CCVA@672822.com
请在48小时内更新您的学生帐户. After your tuition assistance form is posted to your student account, 机构承担的金额将递延到机构账户. 此时没有发生货币交换. 哥伦比亚大学 reserves the right to reinstate all unpaid tuition assistance invoices back to your student account. 所有费用最终由你负责.
学费 assistance forms that are not received within the allotted semester (fall, 春天, 或夏季)将不会张贴. 部署的士兵或矫正人员除外.
If you are using 学费 Assistance and withdraw from a course prior to completing 60 percent of the course, you may be required to pay a portion of the tuition in accordance with Department of Defense regulations.
了解更多信息, contact your military branch for details on your eligibility and the branch's process for submitting the tuition assistance forms.
- 空军|空军预备役|空军国民警卫队
- 陆军|陆军预备役|陆军国民警卫队
- 海岸警卫队
- 海军陆战队 | 海军陆战队预备队
- 海军|海军预备队
- 国民警卫队
- 空军国民警卫队
- U.S. 公共卫生服务
- Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
South Carolina 国民警卫队 College Assistance Program (SCNG CAP)
Those in the 陆军国民警卫队 or 空军国民警卫队 wishing to receive these benefits must 提交申请. Students may receive up to $4,500 per year in college tuition assistance.
If you plan to utilize Veterans Administration benefits while enrolled in 哥伦比亚大学, 作为第一次申请者,你需要做以下工作:
- 申请福利. Please keep in mind that it usually takes the VA approximately six to eight weeks to review your application.
- If approved for benefits, students are sent a Certificate of Eligibility (COE). VA COE的副本需要发送到 CCVA@672822.com 或传真至803-786-3646.
- If the student is transferring to 哥伦比亚大学 from another institution where benefits were utilized, the student must submit a Change of Program or Place of Training form to the VA through the VA在线申请系统. Students enrolled in chapters 30, 33, or 1606 must submit form VA 22-1995. 在第35章注册的学生必须提交表格VA 22-5495. 提交确认的PDF副本必须发送到 CCVA@672822.com.
- 一旦被火博体育官网录取并注册了课程, 学生必须填写一份申请认证的表格 考拉连接. 此表格需要在每学期开始时提交.
每学期, returning students are required to submit the Request to be Certified form located on 考拉连接. 证书不会自动提交, and it is the student’s responsibility to submit the appropriate form in a timely manner.
如果您要在您的记录中添加或更改专业, you must submit a Change of Program or Place of Training form to the VA. 这可以通过电子方式完成 VA在线申请系统. Students enrolled in chapters 30, 33, or 1606 must submit form VA 22-1995. 在第35章注册的学生必须提交表格VA 22-5495. 提交确认的PDF副本必须发送到 CCVA@672822.com.